Purchase a Lulav and Etrog - ChabadofHawaii.com
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Lulav & Etrog- לולב ואתרוג Order Form

  • Order Your Lulav and Etrog Set Online!

  • ORDERS ARE CLOSED FOR Lulav & Etrog sets. PLEASE CALL OUR OFFICE  - 808-735-8161 - AFTER YOM KIPPUR and check if we have extra sets available for sale. Thank you.

  • What is a Lulav and Etrog?

    One of the special Sukkot mitzvot is the mitzvah of the "Four Kinds" - the lulav, etrog, myrtle and willow. This is a mitzvah like any other mitzvah of the Torah, but it is a very significant one and symbolic of unity and harmony. When the blessings are recited over them, it is customary to wave them to all the four winds and also upward and downward, signifying that G-d is everywhere.

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